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Child To Eat More Vegetables

How To Get Your Child To Eat More Vegetables

  1. Presentation Goes A Long Way

Visuals are always important. Every time the child opens the refrigerator, it makes a big difference to have some washed fruit, cut up and ready-to-eat – within plain sight.

It is also a good idea to make veggie-eating more of an interactive affair, by providing a dipping sauce that improves the flavor, but is low-in fat (store-bought sauces are usually full of preservatives and/or MSG). 

Oven-fry your vegetables to give them that crisp look and texture – children love that munchy crunch as they bite into their food.

Consult with myplate.gov to learn exactly how much veggies to mix into your child’s meal!

  1. Choice Matters

Studies have shown what food gets paired with the vegetables is often the most important variable in getting children to eat them. If they are paired with a popular item like nuggets or hamburgers, for instance, children will eat less of the vegetables on their plate, as their focus stays on the good stuff. On the other hand, if you pair it with baked potatoes or deli sliders (slightly less-desirable to children), they will tend to turn their attention to the vegetables a bit more!

  1. Modeling Behavior

Modeling behavior is important. If children see their parents constantly munching on carrots or broccoli, they will think about giving it a try too. Also, research has shown that the more often you eat together as a family, the more vegetables children will consume.

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